Recipe: Veggie Rocky Road

Bonsoir my little cosmonauts! Today I’ve got a really easy but super lovely veggie recipe for you guys: Rocky Road.  This is a recipe I often turn to if I need a simple, but effective dessert to bring to a party or as a birthday gift. It’s also really easy to adapt to people’s personal tastes, I’ve made dark chocolate and ginger versions, a cherry version and a white chocolate and strawberry version.  The basic recipe is one I’ve adapted from a cook book I’ve had ever since I was a kid, which is the DK Children’s Cook Book.  It’s really great for basic, start off point recipes, although it does have tendency to refer to us as, ‘vegetarian friends.’  Because vegetarians don’t buy cook books, obviously.  Ahem.


100g milk chocolate

15g dark chocolate

115g butter

225g digestive biscuits

30g raisins

55g dried apricots, chopped

2 tbs double cream

75g vegetarian marshmallows (I used Freedom Vanilla Mallows)


Firstly, take a piece of foil and line  a cake tin completely.


Next, break up the chocolate into small pieces, add the butter and cream and stir over a low heat until it has all melted.


Whilst that is melting, break up the biscuits into a large mixing bowl.  I always find the best way to do this is to mash them with the flat end of a rolling pin or a potato masher.  You could also use a hand mixer or blender.  But never put the biscuits in a plastic bag and hit with a rolling pin because very often the bag will break.


Add the raisins and apricots to the biscuits crumbs.  Chop about two thirds of the marshmallows in half and add them as well.


By now your chocolate mixture should be melted and runny and look like this:


Pour it in to the biscuit mixture and stir carefully, to avoid crushing the fruit and marshmallows.


When it is all combined, spoon carefully into the prepared tin and press down firmly with the back of a spoon.  Add the remaining marshmallows as decoration by pressing them gently into the top of the cake.


Leave to chill in the fridge for at least two hours.  I actually took mine out a bit sooner and it was fine, just a little crumbly.


There we have it! A quick and easy veggie Rocky Road!

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